
Great Dane Painting was founded by Randy Gauthier in 2008 and since then, we have tackled some of the most beautiful, technical and impressive painting projects the Cowichan Valley has ever seen. We don’t just meet expectations; we exceed them. Our clients keep coming back to us because we are dependable, knowledgeable, professional and very pleasant to work with. Our passionate employees provide unmatched service, delivering top quality results every time. In keeping with this desire, we are not satisfied with our work until you are. We care and take the time to make sure even the tiniest of details is managed in every circumstance. There really is no other way.

But most importantly, Randy is a proud father of four incredible kids, Sterling, Oakley, Eowyn and Willow, and is also a proud pet-parent to Chip, a pure-breed miniature dachshund (sorry, there is currently no Great Dane dog in our family), and without the support of his amazing wife, Lilly, none of this would be possible.

Contact us today to schedule your free, no obligation painting estimate and find out how Great Dane Painting can help you with your painting project!